Advice on Technical Analysis on SGX Stocks, how to trade it with japanese candlesticks..and trade with other parameters to gauge the direction of a particular stock if it is uptrend or downtrend..Of course this is only my personal view with disclaimer on my website. "To check Disclaimer, it is on the left top of the website here"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ezion Holdings, a lesson learnt when got hold of NOL today..

Is time do some post-mortem on NOL. Why other indicators are still important during the day trading besides OBV and volumes is to determine the direction the price will go.

Have you ever wonder, if a whole bulk of volume bought today at $1.95-1.98 and sold in the afternoon at $2.00 has made you a handsome profit? This is what BBs can do. Lesson learnt was to have a patience to detect buying signals that can ride on wave which can profits that can out at the right exit price with a confirmation trend.

One of the example, was the previous blog write-up when I was waiting for the data feeds in the afternoon, it was too late as the price I bought at $1.98 should be offloaded at $2.00 as if I have got the data analysis in advanced sell in bulk will happen in the late afternoon. So , really a lesson learnt from this.

Move on.....
This time, reality checked during the market end session. OBV on positive note..,Candlesticks showing a confirmation buy-if white opening marubozu.. One of the signal I got was Ezion Holdings. But of course all the oil related stocks, we are prompt to check on how the crude oil future price performed.

But this is very much in tandem move with PEC. Let's see with the US Financial Data Events if it is positive.


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