Advice on Technical Analysis on SGX Stocks, how to trade it with japanese candlesticks..and trade with other parameters to gauge the direction of a particular stock if it is uptrend or downtrend..Of course this is only my personal view with disclaimer on my website. "To check Disclaimer, it is on the left top of the website here"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Always follow the global direction Part 2: Real Scenario

Well, let me continue on this topic as today I would like to give a real scenario on how I follow the direction and ride on the mini-Ewave to at least get back the losses.

Still on Straits Asia, today, saw opportunity to ride on the mini-Ewave, thus queued at 2.03 and managed to sell at 2.07 for the profit of 4cents which covered the losses I sold yesterday at 2.09. Though, I still lose on commission basis, I will have another day of opportunity to seek the market. :)

This is what I meant by "Trend is your friend" or follow the global direction.

Till Then,

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Always follow the Global Direction..

Market moving sideline, stay sideline if possible till you see a clear indication again. Well, what we always say about Global Direction but didn't follow??

Well, what I have done during the past few days?? I have made a call on Seroja and Straits Asia to be the potential one. Though didn't get Seroja but I got Straits Asia at the price of 2.13 but it didn't move uptrend further as per said. It hovers between 2.11 - 2.15 before global direction force the price to go dip further down.

In this type of scenario, what will you do? For me, I cut loss at 2.09 in order not to fight with the market directions and always can get back later when the opportunities arise. As I mentioned, Global news indicators are still playing a part of the role in TA though the TA says that the opposite way which what I call "noise".

And...I will wait sideline till the coast is clear , one thing is ..anything goes down will go up again (Newton's Law). And I don't hold any stocks as I always said, I only play short term, the only stock I am holding for long term is Capital Mall for it's stability and dividend.

Hope you understand this type of scenario.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Today market was down...Contra players might be caught in between..

Today, market was down. Red. Contra Players might be caught but am waiting for the opportunity to re-enter again the market.

Now, will just monitor the stocks I am looking and wait for the real signals to come in.


Sunday, April 25, 2010

Seroja, Ezra, Ezion and Straits Asia

Today,a rest day for me on a sunny weekend.
Thus I have time to post 4 more stocks for a lookout the next few days.

Has been monitoring on Seroja for the past 2 days. Well infact moving into the zone with the detection from my system on the RT signal about the uptrend wave move.

Though I didn't manage to get Seroja at 0.510 x 50lots as I didn't want to queue at 0.515(which definitely I would get it if I queued), will look into the global market tomorrow instead which I believe will gap up and make a decision upon there. Anything at 0.51 will be a good deal at least for short run if tomorrow on accumulation mode. If not, loading Seroja at 0.52 still will be attractive from my opinion if opens gap up for at least a mini-Ewave signal.

As for Ezra, I noticed a potential RT Signal as well after last friday's session. This will post a lookout as well for those wants to get a fair bit on Ezra.

Ezion, could be probably looking for another day on the confirmation signal as "anticipation" to move further ahead should have been confirmed. Will spot it during the trading tomorrow as well.

As for Straits-Asia, let's see on the pattern and indicator tomorrow.


Accumulation/Distribution Line explanation...

Well, let me explain on what I meant by this.. since got the previous email asking on the same day trading signal control..

...well I can't control when the accumulation/distribution will be done by big fish by as in what price and how the uptrend will move, it can be gauged based on the signal..

What I am trying to say is if I spot a signal on stock A at 0.505, let's say. But it didn't materialised, instead it went down for more accumulation basis. Because as I always mention, Buying and selling will need something to trigger. Small fish = Retail investors will buy when the news is out which will get you caught on top of the price and might stuck there if you don't willing to sell if you don't know when to spot the signal.

Big Fish will take opportunity to accumulate more before the news is out and disposed off when they have such a good opportunity to do it. For this case, it is the same.

Almost all of my buying price calls that I made( you can check on the archive blogs or forum) has been materialised, which means when I made a buying price call at 0.505, it goes up above the price even it dropped to 0.485 before it rebound back. Eg: Ezion Holdings, PEC, Oceanus, Ezra, Ausgroup,GuocoLeisure, Capitaland, YongNam, LianBeng, etc etc...

It's just that when you bought it, holding power is one thing IF ONLY YOU SEE THE SIGNALS and you got to know when to sell it after 0.505 to reap a small spread profit. Holding on to it and let it dropped back to 0.505 doesn't do any goods on your trading strategy. Example of a scenario as below:

You got 15lots at 0.505 on 26 Apr.
Price dropped to 0.48 on 27 Apr. Maintaining at 0.485-0.49 on 28 and 29 Apr.
Suddenly it surged to 0.525 on 30 Apr.
It goes all the way up again to 0.535 before dropping back to 0.515 on 3 May.(NOT SELLING, Hoping to have it goes up more) but indeed it didn't happen.

........Unless you tell me that you are keeping it for long term, then I will not explain anymore as one thing is , the signals that I given here are all for short-term(0-3months) which you can sell it anytime based when it goes up to 0.505 based on the chart.

Of course, until now, I only made a buying price call. As I hope you can make your own judgement of selling off as I can't monitor so many things at one goal. I just hope if you can reap small profit each day will be good enough for small fish to trade with a small injection capital.

Hope it clarifies.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ezion Holdings, still not on uptrend candlestick yet...

Before moving to Ezion, from my previous post, I have mentioned Capitaland. Though it is on downtrend but look out for it as some "accumulation" has been going on..It will do a reversal trend once the signal is intact. For now, let's stay sideline and look see.

Ok, moving to Ezion. After 2 Doji, today it closed with black spinning top and not able to break to successfully break RT Signal price yet for the run-up wave. OBV not successfully sustain at positive side.

Run-up wave and mini-Ewave are different waves all together. Mini-Ewave is a short wave to reap profit for eg: you bought this at 0.745 past few days and sold off at 0.76 or 0.765 when it hits the mini-Ewave peak of 0.77.

Run-up wave will be different. Will come out with lesson soon for my subscribers on this what it meant.


Z-Obee and Capitaland, the opposite way as expected..

Z-Obee and Capitaland in an opposite direction. Someone asked me why my call can't be the same trading day, well I can't control when the accumulation/distribution will be done by big fish by as in what price and how the uptrend will move, it can be gauged based on the signal..

So, Z-Obee, I made a call if buying-up continue

for the last 2 days but it turned to be the "starter" only yesterday when it came from 0.56 to 0.575 which the buying support continues the run. Personally I didn't get this stock,just and now it closed at 0.6. Not vested for me for now too.

As for Capitaland, it has shown sign of downtrend. Stay sideline for this stock to wait for more accumulation in placed before locking-in till it hits back the RT Signal..Will explain more what is this on my next blog.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ezion Holdings, Candlestick for today...

After so much talking below, Let's check Ezion's candlesticks. Ezion's candlestick for 2 days have been "Doji" but today was a higher Doji. Let's see if tomorrow's signal can provide the real confirmation signal for the next run-up wave as Doji is still indecisive.


Lesson for all: Big Fish vs Small Fish Trading Pattern...

Usually, I provide lesson to my subscribers only. But this forum link below to explain what is big fish vs small fish trading pattern prompts me to do so.$%20EzionHldg

First thing first, How is Ezion's perform today? During my buying call at 0.745, the volume surge not that positive yet but only with accumulation mode. It moved tandemly when the stock price was at 0.75 and 0.755. Notice that there are also big bulk at 0.76 and 0.765 but that doesn't mean tomorrow might be flying unless buy-in seeping in in the first session of the trading. There were also big bulk selling at 0.76 and 0.765 that what brings me to the next lesson, Big Fish vs Small Fish Trading Pattern.

First of all, 0.765 is so called a "pin-point junction" where sell-off has happened in bulk too. There was also parts of the big bulk locked-in at 0.75 and 0.755.
So, now can we see a relationship here? Big Fish has bulk volume at 0.75, 0.755 and 0.765. They disposed off 0.765 for some mini-Ewave profit in order to reap some profit first. But what about the small fish? (Small Fish = Retail Investors). Are we able to do that?

So, next question is... usually small fish will look for a higher spread than this to earn a better profit before selling off the holding. I bet some of you who got it at 0.745 and when looking at the price at 0.765 will just keep in view that it will move higher to earn higher spread margin. thing I want to say here is, if the signal is not yet established as a run-up wave (eg: 31/03/2010 -> 09/04/2010) where retail investors can purchase at 0.76 and sell it at 0.81 , it is always good to practice disposing at least half of your holding as the "real confirmation" signal for the run-up wave is not yet confirmed.

So as for Ezion for now, if you can hold on to this stock for accumulation process during the next few days when the signal is clearer, you will be able to at least hold on and earn a higher spread.

Ok, let me quote one real life example on Ausgroup( if you search my blog on Ausgroup or Sharejunction on this topic) , I did make a buy a call during accumulation period at 0.595 and if you hold on to it for the next 7 days, it went up to the high of 0.69 the following days.

So, this is what I call the different between Big Fish and Small Fish Trading Pattern. Though, today's volume one big fish still loaded at 0.765 in bulk. We will see how they will turn out to be.

P/S: Above is quite "dry". But one thing I have forgotten to mention, Big Fish also always take the opportunity on the global news to accumulate more in dip even though the TA Charts says uptrend as to take advantage of the emotional fears of the retail investors.

Hope it clarifies.


Mermaid is still maintaining at 0.79, will it be the same on Ezion?

Well, I got Mermaid at 0.765 but disposed off at 0.78. Not sure on the news so not willing to hold longer. But will see how it sustains at this level of the price or even move higher.

Ezion, on the other hand at 0.76/0.765. Will it move in tandem since Mermaid today is on uptrend?

Let's see.


Mermaid, for day trading...

Not sure about the latest news on Mermaid. Neither did I check on the TA Analysis for this stock. But will check and explain. As for the news, Will check it out too, but if you want to play on it for today, it will be good entry point now at 0.76/0.765 to buy. Volume Bulk-in signal has established.

Let's see.


Ezion Holdings on OBV and Volume

Ezion Holdings yesterday's OBV only started to turn from neg to positive but to really confirm the indication of moving higher, this will need to be on higher positive basis. If not, it will still be in accumulation mode for the next push up to confirm the real uptrend signal.

Is still a lookout for me on this stock.


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Capitaland, as expected moving dowtrend after not able to sustain at above 4.00

Well, as mentioned on my previous post, Capitaland has not able to sustain at the price above 4.00 which OBV not able to turn from negative to positive to show more buying support. Therefore, the signal of uptrend still not able to confirm as OBV not able to provide support and turn the table around.

Though RSI of 14days has been the indicator to do a reversal trend but need a true support of volume in order to push this stock price up.

Will explain more the scenario soon with more candlestick signal to see for the next few days.

Why not YZJ but Ezion or other stocks?

Someone, not a subscriber of mine has written to me why I didn't spot on YZJ.
Well, the answer is very simple. Though I can ride on short term for a fast in fast out on YZJ, I still prefer something based on the TA chart which can have the satisfaction when you are able to spot it! :) as simple as that.

YZJ has clearly on overbought signal but if big fish wants to play it big, you can ride with them but as mentioned, got to stay on guard on monitoring the stock.

I did recommend this though to my subscribers though telling them this stock and Baker Tech which got to be fast in, fast out in order to reap profit and constant monitoring is needed as if it moves downtrend, you got to be wary not to caught off guard.


Ezion Holdings, time for re-entry?

Should be good enough to load up now for Ezion Holdings at 0.745/0.750. If you got it, hold on to it till the next uptrend signal but you must have the power to hold it and ride the wave with accumulation in mind though the OBV signal not showing sign but in order to anticipate and also it has reached the RT Signal or Line.

I will update more on this stock later.


Dow Gap up, STI too, what's next in placed?

I have some time to observe the market currently, STI stands at +18 points.

I noticed Z-Obee as one of the potential run-up but for a quick ride on the uptrend wave. At 0.57/0575 now but if late session of the trading today can see more upside volumes, this will be a buy call.
Still looking for a clear direction on Ezion though it gap up but let's see if Ezion at this channel for further upside.
As for Capitaland, the signal is going clearer for an uptrend at least for a short run if the volume push-up is there.If not it will be going towards downtrend for at least in short term.

Will post more on the 2 stocks soon.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Today, have been a busy day for me...but let's analysis Ezion and Capitaland.

Nope, it is not on stocks..You might be wondering, am I a full time trader? Well, I will let you guys know someday ! :)

For now, back to STI Stocks. Today was bash-down except YZJ and Baker which I told my subscribers yesterday's night, if you want to get in to play these 2 stocks, you must really monitor and play it like a day trading.

Many times it yoyo between the price range but closed nicely near the highest price at the top. For me, if I really got the stocks, I will look out for the price to dispose off at least half of it for the next few days. Anyway, this is your own call as I won't analysis TA for these 2 during this time, as you know what kind of trading pattern has occurred to these 2 stocks?
Enough of this :) Let's move on to the analysis of my previous post which is on Ezion. Today is still bearish but we got to see on the volume itself, bulk-buying , OBV showing any signs yet? Nope,patiently waiting for the signal will definitely reap profit.

Another stock to lookout, Capitaland has also touch the RT-Signal and it a sign where the reversal sign might occurred while waiting on the indicators confirmation. Now lacking of the real confirmation is only the OBV.
Once candlestick and OBV showing some sign, it is time to load in!

There are some other stocks that have made it on RT-Signal, but let's be focus, as focus is also another game plan in the stock market. Just like riding on the wave, some good examples are Ezion and Capitaland which my previous buy-call price has been "run-over" ! Ezion being 0.765, Capitaland @ 4.0x if I can find back my archive blog! :)
This is the beauty of mini-Ewave if you know how to ride on it. So focus.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

STI might dip down tomorrow but let's see if it is able to pull back from there...

Well, STI might gap down tomorrow.

As for oil related stock play, another stock that I am interested in based on the RSI and RT-Line is Ezion Holding. SO, monitoring Ezion Holding to check for the reversal signal on the uptrend to lock in further as tomorrow might be a gap down, volume and candlestick indicator will be a good one to follow.

P/S: I just realised this. It is back to my previous buy call price of 0.765, check out my previous post ->

but of course the buy call DOES NOT stand now! :) It will be a different buy call price instead if it is confirm a buy signal for the next few days. Let's see.


Saturday, April 17, 2010

Golden Agri Resource Technical Analysis and Charts

Well, this is the first time I am posting a technical chart analysis here at my blog reason being, many of you want me to analyse this stock Golden Agri Resources. Usually I only do the analyse myself on the charts/volume and posted the signal and data here.
So, hopefully you can gain some knowledge here on the TA Charts, the whole picture after my explanation on the technical chart itself especially on candlesticks and volume. As picture itself speaks a thousand word!

As for the Financial US Events Indicators data and commentary, I will only post it to my subscribers. And for lessons, I will try to post some here.

Ok, enough of explanation and let's move on to the technical chart now! As from the start, I have always mentioned my forte is on TA and not FA. TA has many parameters, One of them -> Candlesticks is one of my expertise to gauge the market direction. Is the beauty of the whole overall trading market scenario where you can see the next uptrend/downtrend.

Let's get started. Notice the past 2 days, black and opening marubozu has dominated the trading but with volume increased on the 2 days. Does it means high volume can be a sign that it will trend upward further? No. It is not.It can be reversal but in this case we have to see how the bulk-volume dominates the trading session. And we also got to see the past days how the movement and the candlesticks shown with the trading curve line and other parameters. ( I will explain more next time on Trading Curve Line, another topic on this)

Once all the parameters are checked, we got to see the next trading day's candlesticks to provide us the signals if it is a buying trend.
Ok,But Before moving futher, I would like to explain the process how I categorised Signals to use with candlesticks to trade on a stock.

Signals can be categorised into:

These 6 signals are used to confirm the waves for the trading pattern on any stocks which I need another time to explain. Meanwhile, For Golden Agri's signal is Buy-When(when the signals showing early sign). "Buy-When" will be turned to BUY(confirm can buy) if the next day's candlesticks and volume showing buying signals.

This is how the cycle of the trades can be executed properly if you follow through. So, As for Golden Agri, let's see on the next day's confirmation to further confirm the BUY signal.

P/S: Can email to me -> if you have anything and don't leave your questions in comment area here as I won't be able to check frequently.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Should be on Golden Agri soon for stock technical analysis

Next stop on stock technical analysis. It will be Golden Agri. As for Raffles Education, it could be on Accumulation mode but it gap on 12 Apr to 0.395. I didn't get the data to check further the next move but Raffles Education should be on accumulation mode before moving to another wave...


As promised, my updates on my stock holding and I am back to Singapore !

Hi All,

As promised , I will update how my trades being going while I was away which I have a very "limited" internet connectivity, only able to post on 12 Apr, which was critical to some of the movement of the stocks, especially Ausgroup.

Let me sum up first. I managed to push off Lian Beng at 0.33 which currently not holding any of them now. Ausgroup at 0.675 on the balance of the stocks that I was holding previously. I will explain why I did this on 12 Apr 2010 and why my first batch was sold at 0.625 which I didn't wait to reap more profit when it hits to the high of 0.69 the past few days..

I will explain these to my subscribers only which subscribed to my email newsletter only (at the right side of the corner..) on the way the trades being done especially the 12 Apr Ausgroup trade..

So, while staying sideline for more signals, I will write some tutorial related to the scenario of trading the past few days.


Monday, April 12, 2010

LianBeng disposed half at 0.335 today and queue-ing at 0.33 now..Raffles Education, the next one?

I am out from the town, but luckily I still have internet connectivity here which I am able to trade on the stock battlefield again.. I have disposed off half of LianBeng at 0.335 queue-ing earlier today but now still queue-ing at 0.33 to sell off the balance.

Earned a little profit on YongNam at 0.3(half)/0.305(half) though I can keep it for a little while more I mentioned, I would not want to keep so many of them I don't the spare time to monitor the movement after the session ended.

Nevertheless, Still have some lots on Ausgroup, wondering if I should dispose off as well to ride on the wave uptrend? Will check out soon.

As for now, Raffles Education, what's in-store? at 0.38/0.385 , it could turn out to be the winner... Check it out soon..

Friday, April 9, 2010

Lian Beng uptrend moves is interesting and as predicted...

Lian Beng, as per my previous post climbed today at 0.335. I bought-up at 0.32 yesterday with 80lots and now looking to dispose some.

I will be away for a week again next week. Usually I will sell off those I play on short term. Will I do the same on Lian Beng and Yong Nam?

I might want to queue my the other half (40lots) of YongNam at 0.3 though as I don't want to keep both of them which I might not be able to monitor. But this time round, though I am away for a week, I will still might have internet connectivity access. So, should be monitoring Lian Beng then and see if I can sell on wave.

P/S: Sorry today not able to send the US Financial Indicator Data to my subscribers.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ausgroup Sold the other half @0.625 , YongNam disposed half of it at @0.305

Sold the balance of Ausgroup @0.625 today and YongNam, half of it @0.305 which was 40lots.

I will explain the scenario why I did this in the newsletters either early tomorrow morning release.


Missed Rowsley at 0.105 but looking at Lian Beng now

As mentioned in my email newsletter, some can be in my radar for stock pick today although STI index gap down today, I missed Rowsley at 0.105 to out at 0.115 which is high risk, but looking at Lian Beng @0.32 now...


Lian Beng technical analysis chart volume

Observing the candlesticks and volume for Lian Beng today. At 0.32 for accumulation period will be a good choice. Together with YongNam at 0.295, let's see how both of them move in short term for the next few days and week..

Construction cycle sector playing probably?


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Preparing Lesson 4: Volume (Fake and Genuine Queues)

It has been so long that I have no time to prepare the lesson. Anyway, let's move on. Lesson 4, which I will explain why Fake queues can cause emotional stir-up to Retail Investors and can have an impact on the selling/buying of the stocks.


Cosco Technical Analysis and breakout channel with volume charts and YongNam won order contract

Cosco has been in breakout channel with hugh volume sweeping in and out at the range of 1.40 to 1.45 and still going strong at 1.46 now.

IF I would like to enter now, it will be riding on a short mini-Ewave. But I will rather stay put with YongNam which is on accumulation to run on uptrend wave in short-term basis ya. The latest news on YongNam is they won order contract by clinches fifth contract for Marina Coastal Expressway‎.


Yongnam Technical Analysis and Chart Volume, any latest news?

Checking out YongNam now.

Have sold half of my holding on Ausgroup @ 0.62 today. Yesterday didn't managed to sell at the mini-Ewave Peak of 0.63 or 0.635 due to personal commitment not able to monitor the stock. But I should have queued for Ausgroup too. Nevertheless happy to offload some @ 0.62 as believe BB did the same too on offloading part of their holding on Ausgroup. Still holding on but will move on to other stocks for next short term uptrend movement like YongNam..


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ezion Holding Technical Analysis or breakout channel stock chart soon and any latest news?

Ezion Holding, previously I made a call to buy at 0.765 which is still a good hold for those that still holding on to Ezion Holding. But BB might want to take advantage of the global situation to accumulate more tomorrow or it could be a push to another price range if they decided to proceed to the breakout channel.

How can BB take advantage so easily to accumulate more ? I will explain more on "contra-on-exit" or COE(please bear in mind not the COE for car, :) ) This is my own term of using for those that interested on learning the stock trade.

I will explain more tonight to my subscribers only since I got the time but am still working hard for my website as I faced with a little problem on the coding. Please bear with me. I will also talk more on how I traded Ausgroup yesterday and what I have done with this stock as well as what is the plan for this stock on the next few days.

Meanwhile, I got feedback from some that they are unable to register on the right side form due to Norton Virus scanning preventing them from doing so. If you face with this problem, please email me and I will add in your email address to the subcriber list.

Please try first before email to me.

P/S: Sorry, Latest Update... I will try to post the lesson and the financial data event tomorrow early morning before SGX opens. Around 8.30am to 8.45am tomorrow.


Monday, April 5, 2010

Ausgroup technical stock and chart analysis, now proceeding to the breakout channel

Back from my holiday.

Happy to see that Ausgroup has climbed after a period of consolidation at the range of 0.585 to 0.605.

As mentioned previously from my 2 posts link below on Ausgroup,

There was a signal detected but it could not proceed to breakout channel yet, thus was on accumulation for a period of time which was a week's of accumulation till today, it is proceeding to breakout channel.

I will try to explain more on Accumulation and Breakout channel on my lesson if you subscribe to my newsletter. And also why Ausgroup when dropped to 0.585 was not a consolidation and is right to hold even though you bought at 0.595 and 0.6.

As for those that got in at 0.595 and 0.6 from my previous post for a buy call and still holding on even it drop to 0.585 for a period of time, Congrats. The next few days will be the time to ripe for profit.

I have managed to get Ausgroup at 0.605 early morning and will ride on the uptrend wave with an exit price keep in mind when the opportunity arises to sell.

Happy Trading,
