Advice on Technical Analysis on SGX Stocks, how to trade it with japanese candlesticks..and trade with other parameters to gauge the direction of a particular stock if it is uptrend or downtrend..Of course this is only my personal view with disclaimer on my website. "To check Disclaimer, it is on the left top of the website here"

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Still keeping PEC, Ezion at 0.705...

Sorry..have not been posting here for the past few days..

My status:

Locked in Ezion at 0.705. Mermaid at 0.485 and keeping PEC at the moment as I mentioned earlier it is still above 0.8 price gap. So won't dispose off till I see the next downtrend peak wave.

*Ezion halted , hope it is good news, I have not found anything but the news on new facility and sites for more drilling..

I will need to go out of town again (this time very long one) for at least a month starting July 26 but will try to post or share my trades if possible.

I am still getting new subscribers since the past weeks...I am really sorry can't response to you all right now and also the old-timer subscribers , but let me settle off my own things and I will come back to share with you again.

That will be an analysis on other stocks, not to these 3 stocks that I plying on.

Happy Trading All!


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Mermaid and Ezion, here I come probably..

Mermaid has been accumulation for the past few days and coming to the peak wave again.

Can get in from 0.48 to 0.49 for short term basis.

As for Ezion, I am looking at 0.685 to 0.705. IF you can hold it through, we can probably can see another high peak wave.

Let's see.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Missed Ezion, Looking to dispose off PEC...

It has been 2 days I didn't update as I was very tiring for the past 2 days. If you notice, I have even stopped contributing to forum for a while.
Not active at the moment.

But, I hope to keep my blog alive here. This time I would like to say again, I have missed opportunity on Ezion yet again when I blog it 2 days ago the trend for Ezion and monitoring it for a while.. but no worries, Ezion will still be on my buying spree soon together with Mermaid. Not now though but soon as we got to wait for another short-wave peak again when signals shown.

As for PEC, is time to dispose off my 0.77 holding if it can't hold further at 0.8 and above.

Let's see.


Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mermaid up by 15cents and reached the peak high of 0.49 yesterday...

Mermaid, reached the peak wave high of 0.49 which I missed this wave yesterday as I mentioned I didn't want to load more on another counter since I have got PEC from my last post yesterday. Nevetheless, still keeping intact my 0.495 holding and will look for another opportunity of run-up wave as always.

As for PEC, I have sold it when it dropped to 0.805 after reaching peak high of 0.815but still keeping intact some of my holding at 0.77.

Someone written to me why I only focus on these 3 oil related stocks Ezion,Mermaid and PEC. If you have noticed my previous post, I have no time to do other stocks analysis at the moment though there are other good stocks to play in short term too.

Anyway, I don't want to stress myself much enough as I have other commitments and personal things to do and I am not a FULL TIME TRADER :) . So staying clear with these 3 stocks will do at the moment. I might open up to other stock analysis in future if I have more time to spend.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

PEC, gotcha today..

Just landed at Singapore. The good of internet let you do trading whenever you are even in the airport itself. ;) So managed to load more at 0.77 to increase my holding which I was previously holding at the same price as well at 0.77 more than few weeks ago.

I will be letting off some tomorrow to lock in the profit first. As for mermaid, I didn't get any as I loaded PEC and won't want to put more on other counters. But still will monitor this counter for another wave of run. I am still holding at 0.495 which I bought 1 week back.

As for Ezion, will see how it gaps up first before move on to this counter.

And to my subscribers, I will continue on my lesson again as I know I have stopped for a while due to my busy schedules. Well, I am just part-time trader, and just sharing my knowledge. I am starting back this as when I periodically check my emails, I still have new subscribers coming in and really appreciate that. So, I intend to start the lesson again. This time, I will tell you why I lock in PEC at 0.77 and keep on holding 0.77 even it fell to 0.705 at one point in time.

Catch up again,


Friday, July 2, 2010

US data showing sign of slow recovery ......

Is it time to lock in Again for another wave run? Would got to see what financial events happening next week before going in further for another wave and also finding bottom peAk for mermaid before picking the right price again. Currently at 0.46.

This goes the same with pec. I missed the price previously but will check this out again. I should not be doing this as I am holidaying now but won't want to miss any opportunities again when it comes. :)

Let's see.
