Advice on Technical Analysis on SGX Stocks, how to trade it with japanese candlesticks..and trade with other parameters to gauge the direction of a particular stock if it is uptrend or downtrend..Of course this is only my personal view with disclaimer on my website. "To check Disclaimer, it is on the left top of the website here"

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stock Portfolio for monitoring...

This week, I will be doing some serious study on what are the stocks that I would like to monitor day in day out for TA based on good FA.

I am still getting the grasp of FA as my specialization is in TA. Thus, if you have any good FA stocks in mind, please let me know at and I will consider to do the monitoring if it is feasible with my TA.


NOL dipped on Market sentiments

NOL dipped on Global Market Sentiment but this is just a temporary setback where the market is on downtrend. Accumulation will happen again for this stock and the support price for this is 1.85 - 1.87.

Let's see.


Monday, August 30, 2010

NOL make a comeback as expected, Ezion on accumulation?

NOL made a come back as expected, based on the short-term, and it will climb on mini-wave as mentioned..probably at 1.98 to 2.00 before we cross-check again the trend ?

As for Ezion, price not able to sustain @0.635 as breakthrough price, thus we will wait for another day of signals and volume to determine it again.


Ezion Holdings technical breakout and lookout..

Ezion, here I come again..once the breakthrough @0.635 is done :)

Happy Trading All!


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Subscribing to my newsletter and tips..

Hi all,

If you have problems subscribing, please send email directly to me as I have feedback from one subscribers when he tried to subscribe yesterday.

Thanks and happy trading tomorrow!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

PEC, Financial Results and my buy-out...

PEC, if you noticed in my blog has always been a lot of write-up on this stock as it is one of my favourite stock besides CapitaMall.

Just few days back, I missed out the date of the Financial Results thinking it was on Sept, which meant I didn't get the price at the lower price as this stock is always on my mind before the Financial Result is out or during the oil price movement.

Nevertheless, I have sold mine previously @0.86 but I got back at higher price yesterday @0.89 during 9.00am to 9.30am. I know you guys will think that selling low and buying higher is not wise move but exception case does occur. Why? Because of the total dividend that interests me. (0.04 per share). This has already accounted me on the price bought which meant that if I keep till the dividend , it is much lower price that I bought.

But of course, it can move downward or upward after today's closing price of 0.910, but at least I am in for PEC again to play this stock either or short or mid-term play.

Anyway, I will start writing lessons again to my subscribers and trust me, I won't want to delay anymore.I want to touch base with those new subscribers that have subscribed to me since July which I have not communicate yet and also those old subscribers(some of them who has asking how I am doing, appreciate that! )
Check it out tonight for those that have subscribed to my newsletter!

Thanks and happy weekend!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

NOL Technical Analysis, A potential short wave upside...

Well, NOL made a bullish engulfing today. A potential short wave upside will happen if tomorrow gap up and if it can stay around 1.96 to 1.98, it will gap upside further to cross 2.00.

Let's see.

Happy Trading!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

..Am back, my updates on my previous 3 holding..

Well, finally am back and my busy schedule is over. I will be posting more on the Stocks Analysis soon and get back to my subscribers which some old subscribers have been sending me emails asking why I have been missing , as well as contributing in forum last what I have previously.

Well, what I can say is I will be posting soon as my time will allow me to do it already. And to the new subscribers who subscribed since last month, I will come back to you soon. Don't worry.

More on the above soon, now back to my holding. I have sold PEC @0.86 for the holding of 0.77. Now I do not have any more PEC shares but I intend to come back soon. This will based very much on the oil prices and the US Data Economic.

As for Mermaid, it didn't come back strong after staying from 0.475 to 0.495. So I have sold at loss @0.465 and now waiting for another peak. Sold Ezion @0.675 when it didn;t open strongly after halting. But it goes the same with PEC. I will come back with this stock when I see the uptrend wave again.

Will look out for other stocks with my analysis too that I will be doing soon! I will post at too. Lookout for me there again..

Till then,
Happy Trading!
